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Search results

  1. R

    Need coding help with catch rate percents

    Huzzah, that worked! I wasn't able to impliment it until now because the wind decided to knock down a crapton of power lines near where I live...
  2. R

    Need coding help with catch rate percents

    Abomasnow Your calculator gives a result of 14.815% My code gives a result of 15.51% Machop Your calculator gives a result of 33.773% My code gives a result of 35.35% Honestly, now that I know Bulbapedia is not to be trusted because they're stuck in Gen IV, and looking at how close the...
  3. R

    Need coding help with catch rate percents

    I'm trying to make a Pokemon fan game, and one of the features of the Pokedex is the stats page, which shows species/form-specific stats that are normally invisible to players - the base stats, EV yield, base happiness (which is referred to in game as "initial friendliness"), egg steps to hatch...
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